While we were in New Hamsphire this summer, we were headed to a baby shower for one of my cousins over in Vermont and drove by an old baseball field. I immediately fell in love with the old dugouts against the cornfields. The setting was so serene and looked so untouched by time. I found out later my dad used to play on this field when he was younger. A couple weeks later I met my cousin Cathy and her husband, Jason out there with their five little ones and we let them run around and play and I took some photos.
The setting was so beautiful!
I love Abby's expression in this one!
I wanted to get Lola and Benjamin in the pictures too but Lola was NOT cooperating.
She sure did have fun giving poor Auntie Jamie a run for her money though! We couldn't even contain her long enough to tame her crazy hair. =)
Auntie Jamie and Uncle "Dutch" corralling Lola for a moment...
Time to pick up and head home for the night...
I hope you all have a beautiful evening!