Son's Grade 10 Homeschool Summary Plans
American Literature: online class *
Writing Composition - Pre-AP English: online class *
Math: home with Thinkwell (online video with automatic grading online)
World History: online class *
Chemistry: homeschool co-op class
Physical Education: 4 seasons rowing with competitive team. Longer practice times this year may qualify for over 500 hours of exercise which may count as more than one high school credit.
Boy Scouts, Life rank, working on Eagle project.
FIRST Robotics team meets year round (summer included)
COMPASS test prep: self-study at home with books and practice tests (a community college entrance exam)
Other Academic Work:
PSAT test prep: self-study at home with DVD and practice tests
Foreign Language Son is asking to start Latin for the first time and requests an online class. We are discussing the academic work load and pros and cons of starting this fall, such as the fact that enrollment may already be closed or full at this point in time. The original plan was to take live classes at the community college for Italian (his choice of language) in the spring semester.
* classes compatible for CLEP test and can be used as preparation for AP testing but they are not AP courses