Just Between Friends
A little while ago, a friend of mine (Nicole @ The Kavanaugh Report) introduced me to Just Between Friends. Just Between Friends is a nationwide consignment sale organizer, and by consignment sale, I mean to say HUGE consignment sale. I'm a huge fan of gently used- better for the environment, better on my wallet.As just an FYI for everyone who hasn't heard about it yet, Just Between Friends hosts really large consignment sales that include items such as children's clothes, baby clothes, maternity wear, cribs, high chairs, baby carriers, and pretty much anything child or maternity related. This fall will be my first stop in to the JBF consignment sale, but their site proclaims the ability to get a 50-90% discount on all of the above items, and I've had a few friends who've attended these events and can vouch for the great prices.

One of the main reasons that I am so excited is that I love consignment stores. But, my problem with consignment stores is that there never seems to be enough supply in the types of things I am specifically looking for. For example, I went to about 5 different consignment stores around the Naptown area looking for summer shorts for little man large enough to fit his cloth diapers before DH and I ended up at Old Navy buying new, because we just couldn't find plain khaki shorts. But the JBF sale is HUGE, so you get to go to only one place, instead of 3-5 and the chance of finding exactly what you are looking for is much, much higher. While I saw on the site that JBF provides IKEA bags for shopping, they actually recommend bringing a laundry bucket with a belt tied to it so that you may drag purchases around that become too heavy for you to carry.
Finding too much at great prices that you have to drag it in a bin behind you? Sounds like my kind of shopping!
Naptown mamas, check out the Just Between Friends Consignment Sale schedules here, as there is one sale running August 8th-11th (it starts tomorrow!), and then a sale a bit further north running later on in September. I'll be checking out the sale at the end of this week.
For non-Naptown mamas, you can go to the same link and punch in your area code/area information and check to see when there is a sale near you, because they do have a really wide area (over 20+ states when I looked last) and might be in an area near you!
I know a lot of my local mamas are thrifty and looking for some great bargains and this sale is such good timing- the week after we've found out we're having a girl and need to get some pink clothes!!!
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