Valerie "Valigator" Parkhurst is not well liked, even on police forums. Someone sent me this link today and I can't help but to laugh! The exchange is hilarious. Apparently after Valerie Parkhurst's little arrest for pointing a gun at a man she was harassing, Val claims her mangy mongel mutts were "poisoned." And so she had them whacked like Ol' Yeller. So apparently this dog's tale has a happy ending.
something from valigator
I know I haven’t been around in a awhile but I thought I would give Davie Police the latest update on the repercussions of my arrest.
I put “Grits” my fine English Pointer down two days ago. Grits was a great dog and one of the finest “bird dogs” a person could own. Grits was dream dog, didn’t give you any trouble, and had no health problems other than after his poisoning, and rambling around the yard and going to the bathroom.He was sweet and loved being first on point on a covey of birds. He went after “Huckleberry”. now Huck was “my” dog. Huck was one of the most beautiful English Pointers that was too be had. ( I am enclosing pictures of both) .. Grits and Huck were both poisoned after the high profile arrest by me by Davie Police. Most of you know about that arrest. You remember that the State attorneys office was humiliated and embarrassed by what your police department did. But that really doesn’t express what happens behind closed doors when police do a sloppy job, now does it? All I can say is I hope Grits and Huckleberry were worth that POS sex offender and career criminal “Dale Weeks” and his cohort with outstanding warrants that you didn’t bother to check was worth it? Was it? It wasn’t to me..Grits and Huck at the end had to be carried outside to urinate, they wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t drink and had to have fluids force fed into them. I did my best but at the end we had to take them to the vet and hold them while they were euthanatized . I gave it my all with my pointers and still do when it comes to the poor excuses for DNA that inhabit Davie. Maybe, just maybe, you cops will think twice before your so anxious to clock out the next time….maybe just maybe you will think of Grits and Huck before you get so sloppy in your duties...
I put “Grits” my fine English Pointer down two days ago. Grits was a great dog and one of the finest “bird dogs” a person could own. Grits was dream dog, didn’t give you any trouble, and had no health problems other than after his poisoning, and rambling around the yard and going to the bathroom.He was sweet and loved being first on point on a covey of birds. He went after “Huckleberry”. now Huck was “my” dog. Huck was one of the most beautiful English Pointers that was too be had. ( I am enclosing pictures of both) .. Grits and Huck were both poisoned after the high profile arrest by me by Davie Police. Most of you know about that arrest. You remember that the State attorneys office was humiliated and embarrassed by what your police department did. But that really doesn’t express what happens behind closed doors when police do a sloppy job, now does it? All I can say is I hope Grits and Huckleberry were worth that POS sex offender and career criminal “Dale Weeks” and his cohort with outstanding warrants that you didn’t bother to check was worth it? Was it? It wasn’t to me..Grits and Huck at the end had to be carried outside to urinate, they wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t drink and had to have fluids force fed into them. I did my best but at the end we had to take them to the vet and hold them while they were euthanatized . I gave it my all with my pointers and still do when it comes to the poor excuses for DNA that inhabit Davie. Maybe, just maybe, you cops will think twice before your so anxious to clock out the next time….maybe just maybe you will think of Grits and Huck before you get so sloppy in your duties...
Last edited by Valigator on 12/03/11 08:56:15, edited 1 time in total.
Re: something from valigator
The troll is back. Nobody gives a hoot about Huckleberry, Fido or Rex. You did very well at staying away for so long. Please continue to do so. LET IT GO!!! You come on a forum and bash the Davie Police Department for an arrest that happened years ago. The department is different and there are many new officers. You are an embarrasment to women everywhere. Like I said LET IT GO!!!
Re: something from valigator
GO AWAY wrote:The troll is back. Nobody gives a hoot about Huckleberry, Fido or Rex. You did very well at staying away for so long. Please continue to do so. LET IT GO!!! You come on a forum and bash the Davie Police Department for an arrest that happened years ago. The department is different and there are many new officers. You are an embarrasment to women everywhere. Like I said LET IT GO!!!
Ya know what was pathetic? I knew you were a cop the moment I read your post...The post after indicated that I was "old news" but he wasnt an asshole, like you... Hopefully "guest" is an indication of our New Police department..not the old...strange I still hold out that overall in the big picture ???Cops are good guys....but man oh man its gets harder every day to hold on to that...
Re: something from valigator
Here's an idea, grab a jar of peanut butter and your hound dog and have a great time between the three of ya...we don't give a crap about you or your pathetic inbred life.
Re: something from valigator
Guest wrote:Here's an idea, grab a jar of peanut butter and your hound dog and have a great time between the three of ya...we don't give a crap about you or your pathetic inbred life.
quote="Guest"]Here's an idea, grab a jar of peanut butter and your hound dog and have a great time between the three of ya...we don't give a crap about you or your pathetic inbred life.[/quote]
Lets you and I get something will NEVER do to another citizen what you did to cant do that to people. Its just not right...I am on your side, I am on your mother's side, I am on your sister's ,your daughters and your children's side...there are very bad men out there...they look for opportunities to chew your world take from you in inspeakable terms to do damage to your kids, your wives...your can you distance yourselves from someone like me who looks to protect those you love so much from cops who are just looking to clock out out? I dont gety it today,,I dont get it yesterday and I doubt I am gonna get it tomorrow? Ya know that cop (BSO) that is getting her ass handed to her ? Huerto? I think her name you have any inkling of the damage that was done to that cop? she did what she needed to do... she came in front of a bad guy, she pulled her weapon...the bad guy continued to press towards her, she fired a warning she is being taken to task for doing what you and I would have both done....Let me ask you something? This cop is damaged..she is going thru an ivestigation that will leave scars on whether she will ever pull a firearm again.. I dont know about you, but I dont think that is a good thing...ya know what Davie did to me? The same fricking thing...I have to think three times about a bad guy..should I pull the weapon? Should I shoot? You Know better than me how many low lifes's are out there?
Last edited by Valigator on 12/23/11 06:13:04, edited 1 time in total.