Yay! I finally finished the project I have been working on for the girls - a lemonade stand! And with a couple of quick changes it also turns into something else (which I will hopefully show you later this week if I can get some photos tomorrow). For now though, it's a lemonade stand. On Thursday evening we took it down to Colonial Williamsburg on one of the little side roads and set it up to take pictures. I have to say Jon was such a good sport about it. He normally avoids having to be involved in any blog related activity at all costs - haha! Without his help I would not have been able to get all of these shots. Or probably any of them, for that matter, seeing how I would have been chasing after Lola who seemed to think that throwing the lemons was great fun! So, I owe him a huge thank you! Then on Saturday we set it up again in our neighborhood and used a plastic pitcher and plastic cups so Lillie could actually pour it for everyone, which was definitely her favorite part. I have to say I think they had even more fun, though, on Thursday when I let them toss the lemons around and mix dirt and rocks in the lemonade and stir it with sticks, seeing how it was just for pictures and not actually to give to anyone! Haha! Lillie kept pretending she was on a "cooking show".
I had a lot of fun making this for the girls and
will have a full tutorial for it up soon. It was pretty easy to make, although it did take a little while. It was not quite the best time to take photos based on the sun but both the girls and Jon were in such delightful moods that I can't complain. I'd rather have the sun be glaring at me than them. =)
The signs have simple sawtooth hangers on the back so they can be switched out easily! I put the hanger on the back of the lemonade one crooked so that it would have a more playful look if it was hung on top.
And there's Lillie stirring the lemode...
...with a sitck!
And here's her first "customer":
Let's see how sticky we can get our hands!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a lovely Monday!
Also, there's still time to enter our
Crafted by Kerstin giveaway and check back later this week for our first Pin It to Win it Giveaway!