It hit me that not only are my kids burned out, but so am I. We have had a long year with the move and all the adjustments. We are right in the middle of the most stressful parts of selling a home and buying a home. Summer vacation is coming soon and then we'll return just in time for a whirlwind move to the new house.
I decided for the last two weeks of the school year we'd do a different schedule. Here it is.
Math: 1 hour a day
Fiction reading: 1 hour a day
Watch 2 real documentaries or serious academic TV shows a day.
Older son will do test prep review and practice for the ACT COMPASS test to see if he can pass it to begin community college.
The rest of the day is for doing whatever they want, Boy Scout meeting and merit badges, and sports practice.
Meanwhile with my new found time I am planning out next year's school year, specifically looking for options for online clasess for my younger son. Once we know what the tenth grader is doing or not doing with community college for the fall I'll know whether to sign him up for online classes or not.