Siney Lewis Sr. was Birda's father.
Photo from the personal albums of David Ahrnsbrak |
According to these documents the following dates apply:
BIRTH: 1 Aug 1848- Council Bluffs,, Iowa
DEATH: 28 Nov 1928- Vernal, Uintah, Utah
He was 81 years old when he died.
Death Certificate:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1929, Dec 5, p.1 |
Obituary transcribed:Siney Lewis, Sr, One of Utah's Early Pioneers of 1851 Passes AwayFuneral services over the remains of Siney Lewis Sr were held in the Second ward chapel Sunday, December 1st at 2 p.m. The body of the chapel was filled with relatives and friends and the floral tributes were profuse covering the casket and decorating the rostrum.
The music was furnished by the Second ward choir with Mrs. Lucille Calder as soloist.
The opening song was "Sweet Hour of Prayer" followed by invocation by Edward Watkins, Sr. "Oh My Father", the favorite hymn of Mr. Lewis was then rendered.
Bishop Joseph A McKee paid tribute to the sterling qualities of Mr. Lewis and told of their long friendship. He referred to his hardships in pioneering both Salt Lake and Ashley Valleys.
Bishop M.M. Batty, also an old friend of Mr. Lewis told of his devotion to his home, family, and church, of his honesty and integrity in all business dealings. He also referred to some of his pioneer experiences.
Mrs. Lucille Calder sang, "There is a Land I Know".
H. Walter Woolley told of the gospel plan and the reward that came to those who were faithful in the performance of their duties. He spoke of the splendid example Mr. Lewis had set for his family and friends.
Bishop A.T. Johnson spoke a few words of consolation and also thanked all who had helped in any way during their hours of sorrow.
The closing song was "Sometime We'll Understand". Benediction was pronounced by Bishop George E. Wilkins. Interment was in the Maeser cemetery, where the grave was dedicated by Wm E. Pearce Jr.
The pallbearers were grandsons of Mr. Lewis.
Siney Lewis Sr., and his twin sister, Olive, were born near Council Bluffs, Iowa, August 1, 1848, the fourth and fifth children of their parents David and Duritha Trail Lewis, who crossed the plains for the sake of the gospel in 1851 before Siney was three years of age.
His early life was spent in Salt Lake Valley, where he underwent the hardships of the pioneers many times suffering for want of food and clothing. His father died when he was six years of age, which necessitated his going to work at an early age to help support his mother and younger brothers. He made a trip back to Omaha by ox teams to help bring back converts to the gospel when he was but 17 years of age. They were attacked by Indians but none of them were killed.
He was married January 5, 1874 to Elizabeth Coleman. To this union was born 12 children, 9 of whom and the widow, still survive. They are Mrs. E.W. Evans, Mrs. Nathan Springer, Siney Jr., Franklin, Mrs. Charles Hatch, Chas P, Mrs. Asher Merkley and Mrs. H.E. Hullinger all of Vernal and Mrs. Linn McClelland of San Francisco, also 41 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
He moved with his family to Ashley Valley in 1896 and settled in Glines ward where they resided until about three years ago when they sold their farm and moved to town to be near medical aid.
Mr. Lewis had not been in good health for years but was generally about to get about a little. He was only in bed about two days when death came unexpectedly about noon, Wednesday, November 28.
He was a good, kind and generous man beloved by his whole family and friends. Although he was retiring and quiet in disposition he was always ready to help in any worthy cause. He will be greatly missed by all who were associated with him.
*Spelling and punctuation corrected by me wherein I was aware.