So That's Why Homeschool Kids Are Socially Great?

Homeschool kids are thrust into situations where they often know no one yet have to network and fit in to do what they went there to do. This has happened so many times in my kid's lives that they do not fear entering a room of stranger peers and reaching out to socialize and interact.

As homeschooled kids participate in the same activity with the same kids they form closer relationships. However there are many times when such interactions are just a "one off" thing.

When we are out and about in the real world my kids have to interact with stranger adults to get what they want. I have gently pushed them to ask the librarian for help or to ask a store clerk where something they want to buy is located and other small steps. They also, obviously, have been with me in situations where they have observed my interactions and lack of fear of interaction. If we're in a strange place and lost, I may ask someone for help. If I have a question to ask of the waiter, I ask.

Here is an article written for adults about networking, which begs for a return to more face to face talking and interaction instead of over-reliance on social media.

Network Like It's 1959

If you read this and if you are a homeschooling parent you will see the similarities with homeschooling, such as this:

Joining collectors at hobby shows, participating in a biking club or even starting your own book group will help you develop interpersonal skills and potentially lead to valuable professional connections.
Yeah, uh, that's daily living for homeschoolers.