Tuesday evening's meeting of the Twin Ports Arts Align included several members of the Friends of Industry, a devoted arts circle located in the heart of Duluth. The alley cats present included steampunk artist Richard Rosvall, Gustave Campini, Amanda Teague, and Eric Horn, a graphic illustrator whose comic-style story book Chronicle premiered last summer to a packed space.
I write about these things now in order to give people time to mark their calendars, to set aside May 17 for an exciting Steampunk art show at the Depot.
If the genre is not familiar to you, think of Steampunk as a subset of science fiction, except these futurists are from the past. Think of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Put yourself in 1880 and imagine what the future would look like, what space ships of tomorrow might look like from the vantage point of pre-flight, pre-plastic, pre-organic synthesis, and what futuristic weapons and uniforms might consist of.
Some people credit cyberpunk writers William Gibson and Bruce Sterling with the re-birth of interest in steampunk. The two wrote The Difference Engine, a book that brought their futurist sensibilities to Victorian England. Last year's Cowboys & Aliens had a bit of that past/future feel, taking place in the wild West as it did.
At Tuesday's Arts Align gathering DAI director Kristin Duckart spoke about “growing the arts for all” and doing what we can to foster a culturally rich community here in the Twin Ports. This was a perfect lead-in for introducing Richard Rosvall and the Friends of Industry and to announce this unusual event featuring Steampunk genre clothing and gear.
Based on my experience with the steampunk show last year, this is not a "come as you are" affair. This is a "come as you wish you were" when the past intersected the future. Consider yourself invited check it out. Although there will be a price for admission, it's my understanding that this may be reduced if you come in costume, which you will probably want to do anyways.
As a starting point to learn more about Steampunk, visit Wikipedia.