Does Curriculum Work?

My response to Why Curriculum Doesn't Work blog post:

Nearly all curriculum has let us down when used in isolation and when used strictly, or even when using it with every single intention of its author.

Using some of something, or abandoning it when you realize it is not working, is good. Blending with other things is probably best. Dipping in for help with certain segments can be useful. Using it in a sped up or slowed down way to customize for the learner seems right to us.

In the end we're talking about learning. And if learning happens, even if some is from a curriculum or inspired by a curriculum, I think it is okay.

We are not slaves to curriculum by any means, and our family is against anything that is "school in a box" clumping subjects and content by a grade level. We teach to the learner's need or ability and that requires more customization than school in a box offers.

Also, sometimes just having it on the shelf is somehow reassuring, silly as that may sound, so it can be emotionally useful if it is just collecting dust.