Could this be a weekly thing?

Blogging weekly?  I'm not committing to anything at this point, but at least we're headed in the right direction!

It's been a pretty good week for the Hansens.  We had a nice Easter Saturday where the boys got lots of candy I managed to survive another Primary-sponsored neighborhood egg hunt.  Thank goodness for Wal-Mart and their bulk bags of pre-stuffed eggs! 

On Sunday, we enjoyed a beautiful Easter Sunday with my family.  I was grateful to be able to share some lessons from the life of Christ in Primary and to bear my testimony of the gifts of His life and resurrection. 

Here we are on Easter Sunday...

I feel like I look kind of chubby in this picture, but I'm working on fixing that little problem... I joined a "Biggest Loser" club.  And now it's out there.  I wasn't going to say anything, but I have to celebrate that this week (the club started on Monday) is the first time in my history where I've actually stuck to an eating plan for more than one day!  YAY!  I still have 7 weeks (and a few days) to go, and truthfully, I'm not counting on winning the thing, but I feel really good about my progress so far.  Yay again!

This week has been pretty low key, but next week is going to be super fun-- we're going on vacation!!  We're going to California and I am bringing my camera, so look for a picture-filled post next week.  :)