An Evening in Colonial Williamsburg

We have been busy working away up here in NH. We've been working on several new products as well as making over some furniture and today I need to actually get to work making some projects for Lola's birthday party this weekend. I had all these grand ideas but so far have just made a few tissue paper flowers - ahhhh! Anyway, I haven't taken a single photo since I have gotten to NH (with my real camera) because the weather has been so crummy. Hopefully today will be better!

Two weekends ago while my cousin, Lauren was in town, she helped me take the girls down to Colonial Williamsburg so I could attempt to take some "one year" shots of Lola. Well, Lola wasn't super cooperative so I didn't really get what I had in my mind - or anything close to it =(, but here are some of the shots, anyway. Hopefully I can try again soon and get something closer to what I have in my head. =)

And here is Lillie with Lauren. Lauren recently started a fabulous health and fitness type of blog! You should head on over and check it out!

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!