So – back to the vanilla bean ice cream. We got the recipe out of the cookbook that comes with the ice cream maker. We’ve made a few recipes from the book and for the most part, they were all winners! I personally am not a huge fan of vanilla (you guys can hate me, but I think vanilla lacks flavor sometimes) so I decided to make a chocolate fudge to drizzle on top. Though the fudge was excellent (recipe and photos below) the vanilla bean ice cream could have easily stood on its own. The flavor was really a punch of vanilla, so refreshing! So, without further ado, see below for the ice cream and fudge creation!

The end result! The texture is a bit on the softer side, so we put it in the freezer overnight
We just couldn't help it and had to taste it as soon as it was ready! It was still delicious.

I took a photo of the ingredients - pretty simple recipe.
We had most of the stuff already, excluding the vanilla bean itself.

Let's get going! Bringing the ingredients to a boil

Vanilla bean. This little guy was $10 at Pathmark ahhh!
But when I say the ice cream had a punch of vanilla flavor, i'm sure I had this to thank.

After we let it cool, Greg poured the mixture into the ice cream maker. Woohoo!
It's pretty much on autopilot after this point -
we checked it once in a while but the maker does all the work.
I believe we left the mixture in here for about 30min

Here it is!
As I said, it was a little more on the soft-serve side texture wise, but we didn't mind it.
We put the ice cream in little martini glasses just to be fancy =)

And with the fudge! Ohhh the smell of chocolate cooking was phenomenal

We found the recipe on the website Not Rachel Ray (love the name)
I looked at a few, but picked this recipe since I had most of the ingredients.
Highly recommended if you're making fudge!

And it begins...whisking together the sugar, flour and cocoa
You guys like my giraffe whisk?

Adding the second phase. Whisk whisk whisk on medium heat

Yay! It's beautiful! After boiling for 2-3min, it looked like this.
It does thicken after it cools down, as the recipe states

All ready to go on top of some ice cream!
After I was done using, I put it in the fridge.
Next time you want to use it, just heat it back up a bit and you're good to go!
Love that he is such an amazing cook!
It just came out of the oven and was so warm and delicious!
Hope you guys enjoyed my post, come back and visit soon! xoxo