Static has been a subject here on many occasions, and his self-loathing has been analyzed already. We're already well aware of Static's reasons for kissing AZU's collective asses:
So according to Metanoid, if we speak out against laws that are designed to punish sex offenders beyond their sentences and destroy our families, we are somehow "victim bashing" or denying our responsibilities. We should "remain silent," and never fight back. Sound familiar? It sounds just like AZU! Static and Metanoid have a lot in common. Both are Tier 3 offenders who believe somehow the way to atone for their crimes is to bash and belittle others, many of who are NOT Tier 3 sex offenders like they are. If they want to bend over and let society fuck them in the ass that's their perogative, but to focus their angst against others rather than focus on their own shortcomings is unhealthy. It is called "projection." It is a standard cognitive distortion. By focusing on someone else who they perceive is "worse" than them, they minimize their own transgressions. And AZU provides the self-loathers gladly act as enablers. After all, any enemy of their enemies are their friends.
I found it funny Metanoid will go to the one place that advocates rape and murder as an avenue for his own distorted brand of healing, but ironically, Metanerd offers this seemingly contradictory musing: