Its probably too easy to play this game as there are so few members of AZU. But since I'm going on vacation, I need some space filler until my return. The rules are, I'll number the quotes, you guess who said it. Its multiple choice, so I'll make it easy. Good luck! Can you do it without cheating?
1. Who stated this? "Patty Wetterling lost a child to a sex offender. But now that her other child IS a sex offender she wants to back off from her previous pro-child activism. She's hardly an unbiased source."
a. Jacey
b. Stitches 77
c. Static
d. Dodia Fae
2. "I have an urge to write some stories for theraputic reasons.Anyone interested in a torture murder story about a woman getting even with sex offenders?It is just words."
a. Static
b. Daydreamer of Oz
c. WASP Ohio
d. Stitches 77
3. "I hope he gets butt raped without any ice cream or "powder" to relax:
a. Stitches 77
b. Rob Taylor
c. Violet Leaves
d. Carisma
4. This one is just laughable --"But think about this for a second. A Muslim comes across a beautiful naked woman with a fish tail instead of legs on a beach and technically he can begin tearing out chunks of her flesh while she’s still alive and it’s considered acceptable behavior? This is a religion worthy of universal respect? This is a religion above criticism? I’m an Islamophobe for being disgusted by this?"
a. Stitches77
b. Jacey
c. Carisma
d. Rob Taylor
5. "What a pig. I hope he's murdered in jail."
a. Stitches 77
b. rookiee
c. WASP Ohio
d. Jacey
6. Which member of a "treatment site" for registrants famously stated "F1, our goals SHOULD be similar to the AZ folks?"
a. Static
b. Metanoid from SORCOMM
c. DP1/ Hopeso/ Pink Panther from SORCOMM
d. Jake Goldenflame
BONUS QUESTION: Which member of AZU is a Tier 3 REPEAT sex offender?
a. Stitches 77
b. Static
c. Rob Taylor
d. Jacey
If you would like to read some memories of Hiawatha by Janet Smith Laws click or cut & paste the link link below?
Xavier Von Erck on how to anonymously harass targets
For almost two years, members of Perverted Justice and their sister site, Absolute Zero United, have followed targeted many people, following them around the internet in a campaign of harassment and slander, promoting their hate site Wikisposure.Below "Determined," a member of the Pee_J cult, suggests harassing someone out of "boredom:"
Here we see Pee-J cultist "George W Bush III" post target's personal info AND picture of target's house online. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that's illegal and dangerous:
Here we see Xavier Von Erck instructing Perverted Justice members on the fine art of slandering and attacking their targets online. Notice he states to use "throwaway" emails addresses. THIS SORT OF ACTIVITY IS ILLEGAL!

If that wasn't bad enough, here is Winry Rockbell quoting Van Eide, er, "Von Erck" on sending letters to the neighbors in hopes something happens to their targets:

So the truth is PJers are cowards. Incite riots in hope someone else will do their dirty work for them!
If that wasn't bad enough, here is Winry Rockbell quoting Van Eide, er, "Von Erck" on sending letters to the neighbors in hopes something happens to their targets:
So the truth is PJers are cowards. Incite riots in hope someone else will do their dirty work for them!
Tracy Golden's WASP Ohio site joins the AZU boneyard
Thanks to an anonymous poster, I was informed Tracy Golden's WASP Ohio website [] has joined the growing list of dead and festering vigilante sites, joining the site, the Lunsford's various scams, and a few of their choice blogs and accounts. The more "proactive" AZU gets, the more people see them for what they TRULY are, and the less support they receive. Its funny, Lunsford, who helped form WASP, also disappeared this year. Hm.
August 21, 1998... oh, so sweet...

August 21, 2009... interrupting a Mario Kart 64 Marathon to take a picture...

Today Chris and I celebrate eleven years of wedded bliss! As each anniversary rolls around, I always feel a little bit impressed with myself. I used to compare us to the famous celebrity marriages ("we've been married longer than Tom and Nicole!"), but those don't seem as formidable as they were when we only had a few months under our belts. Now that we're settling comfortably in the double digits, it's less about the number of years we've racked up, and more about the fact that we actually still enjoy our day-to-day lives with each other. Eleven years of hanging out with the same guy-- you have to admit, that's pretty cool.
Moving is kind of like taking a treacherous hike along your past-- it's amazing the kind of junk you dig up. It's impossible for me to clean out a closet or a drawer without getting momentarily sidetracked by its contents. Yesterday I cleaned out our "etcetera" drawer, the place where we put things we're not sure what else to do with. In addition to random batteries, Sharpies, buttons and leftover Jack-o-lantern tea lights, I also found a few old pictures. One was of Chris and me in Ensenada, Mexico, where we ate incredible fish tacos and churros, and Chris discovered the real reason why people warn against drinking the water. Another was us with big smiles and matching tee-shirts at a family reunion in Colorado, where we spent an unplanned $300 and spent nearly a week without a car because of a leaky "fuel intake valve"... whatever that is. And another was a fuzzy black and white image of almost nothing... that almost nothing that somehow turned into Neil.
I stopped my packing up for a few minutes to watch our Ten Year Slideshow and had so much fun reliving all of those different moments. It's fun to think about all of the places, the food, the friends, and the laughs we've had, not to mention the three amazing children! How can I not be impressed?
I love that Chris and I have eleven years worth of pictures together, and I love even more that each of those pictures carries a wealth of memories that sometimes only we know about. I love being reminded, again, how truly lucky I am to share my life with such an incredible person.
I love you, Hunsty!! Happy 11 years-- here's to an eternity more!

August 21, 2009... interrupting a Mario Kart 64 Marathon to take a picture...

Today Chris and I celebrate eleven years of wedded bliss! As each anniversary rolls around, I always feel a little bit impressed with myself. I used to compare us to the famous celebrity marriages ("we've been married longer than Tom and Nicole!"), but those don't seem as formidable as they were when we only had a few months under our belts. Now that we're settling comfortably in the double digits, it's less about the number of years we've racked up, and more about the fact that we actually still enjoy our day-to-day lives with each other. Eleven years of hanging out with the same guy-- you have to admit, that's pretty cool.
Moving is kind of like taking a treacherous hike along your past-- it's amazing the kind of junk you dig up. It's impossible for me to clean out a closet or a drawer without getting momentarily sidetracked by its contents. Yesterday I cleaned out our "etcetera" drawer, the place where we put things we're not sure what else to do with. In addition to random batteries, Sharpies, buttons and leftover Jack-o-lantern tea lights, I also found a few old pictures. One was of Chris and me in Ensenada, Mexico, where we ate incredible fish tacos and churros, and Chris discovered the real reason why people warn against drinking the water. Another was us with big smiles and matching tee-shirts at a family reunion in Colorado, where we spent an unplanned $300 and spent nearly a week without a car because of a leaky "fuel intake valve"... whatever that is. And another was a fuzzy black and white image of almost nothing... that almost nothing that somehow turned into Neil.
I stopped my packing up for a few minutes to watch our Ten Year Slideshow and had so much fun reliving all of those different moments. It's fun to think about all of the places, the food, the friends, and the laughs we've had, not to mention the three amazing children! How can I not be impressed?
I love that Chris and I have eleven years worth of pictures together, and I love even more that each of those pictures carries a wealth of memories that sometimes only we know about. I love being reminded, again, how truly lucky I am to share my life with such an incredible person.
I love you, Hunsty!! Happy 11 years-- here's to an eternity more!
Wikispoure "hasn't done their research"
Apparently even other anti-pedo activists don't think to highly of Wikisposure, either, and question their integrity. Then again, its hard to question something the PJ/AZU cult never had!
Stitches 77's megalomania doesn't bode well with others
Stitches 77 apparently thinks she's a god now, but apparently no one outside of Absolute Zero United shares their sentiment. Actually, every time Stitches and co. venture outside their blogs, they are constantly ridiculed and dissed.
Conspiracy nuts are just plain nuts!
The other day I happened upon one of Rob Taylor's trashy sister site, mah29001 at Wordpress. Another stark raving conspiracy nut who thinks 9/11 was a Soviet attack,
Obama is a communist,

calls his crappy blog "Zionist anti-Connunist," and attacks Democrats as "big brother socialists." But in the same breath he says, "There is nothing in our Constitution that says everyone has the right to be on the Internet. The Internet is a privilege here folks." This is called HYPOCRISY! This "man" is a complete utter moron. People like mah29001 blew up the Oklahoma City federal building and the World Trade Center because they believed their own insane ranting about the devil in everything they don't agree with. Maybe the FBI should be notified about this nut. Here's the complete post. Everyone point and laugh at his insane rant!
AZU is like a squirrel, they collect a lot of NUTS ROFL!

calls his crappy blog "Zionist anti-Connunist," and attacks Democrats as "big brother socialists." But in the same breath he says, "There is nothing in our Constitution that says everyone has the right to be on the Internet. The Internet is a privilege here folks." This is called HYPOCRISY! This "man" is a complete utter moron. People like mah29001 blew up the Oklahoma City federal building and the World Trade Center because they believed their own insane ranting about the devil in everything they don't agree with. Maybe the FBI should be notified about this nut. Here's the complete post. Everyone point and laugh at his insane rant!
This is what AZU gets off on!
After hearing various comments from AZU trolls, I'm sure they'll get off on this video. I can't say this is for real, but the title is "rapist beaten to beath in Salvador City." Viewer discretion STRONGLY advised!
I have strange tastes and I'll be the first to admit it. There are lots of things I enjoy that most would consider mildly annoying, hokey, or just plain odd.
Bagpipes? Love em.
Joiking? Traditional or modern, I'm all about it.
Now, I have discovered something else that I like and will probably get some ribbing for: Norwegian hallingdans. I've always been interested in the folk-dances of different countries (maybe because I have two left feet and am enamored with how some people can be so coordinated), and I find hallingdans to be a lot of fun to watch. With the fluidity of movement, the constant, the apparent Slavic influence in some of the foot work, the constant movement and inertia as well as the acrobatics, it's aesthetically a very unique dance.
Have any of my readers ever tried hallingdans, or any other Norwegian folk dance? If you have, tell me about your experience. Leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.
UPDATE: Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys it. Hallingdans is being woven into a new online RPG, called Age of Conan.
Bagpipes? Love em.
Joiking? Traditional or modern, I'm all about it.
Now, I have discovered something else that I like and will probably get some ribbing for: Norwegian hallingdans. I've always been interested in the folk-dances of different countries (maybe because I have two left feet and am enamored with how some people can be so coordinated), and I find hallingdans to be a lot of fun to watch. With the fluidity of movement, the constant, the apparent Slavic influence in some of the foot work, the constant movement and inertia as well as the acrobatics, it's aesthetically a very unique dance.
Have any of my readers ever tried hallingdans, or any other Norwegian folk dance? If you have, tell me about your experience. Leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.
UPDATE: Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys it. Hallingdans is being woven into a new online RPG, called Age of Conan.
Norwegian Experience Wrap Up

How did it feel to be back home in the U.S.?
It actually feels fine being home again. I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since we came home… it’s gone so quickly. I have a new appreciation for home as well as an extended appreciation for Norway.
Please tell me what your favorite part of the tip was?
Favorite part of the trip??? That’s a great BUT difficult question. I can’t think of anything that was not a favorite part: the beauty and cleanliness of the country, the friendly and helpful people, the delicious food, the glorious hotels, the modes of public and private transportation, the private tours, EVERYTHING!
If you could do the trip over, is there anything you’d change or do differently?
I would have appreciated having at least one (or two) more days in each city to sit and relax – to enjoy the atmosphere a little more.
How was it working with Borton Overseas before and during the trip?
Borton Overseas was absolutely fabulous to work with for our trip. Linda McCormick (the Scandinavian Director) and Elaine Nelson Peik (Scandinavian Specialist) are professionals who went way beyond their “call of duty” to ensure our trip was truly “one of a lifetime.”
I can recommend them without reservations to anyone who wants help and/or advice when planning a trip to Norway. I am definitely thinking about returning and would call on Linda to help me again (and again and again).
What would you say to next year’s winner? Any advice?
Enjoy every minute of your trip; they’re not kidding when they describe it as a “once in a lifetime trip.” Be ready to be amazed from the moment you receive the call that you’ve won this wonderful trip. The planning process is just the beginning.
What would you say to all the people who are recruiting to win for next year’s trip?
Keep up the good work. Although I’m a good example that quality is just as effective as quantity. I recruited four new members – which may not seem like a lot – but the results were the same.
What is your favorite souvenir that you brought back from your trip?
I’d have to say that it’s a tie: my “father and mother” Henning trolls (which I planned to look for and hoped to find) and the beautiful glass vase and “plate” that I purchased at Hadeland Glassverk.
How has this trip helped connect you with your Norwegian Heritage?
I can appreciate the country of birth of my grandpa and great-grandparents even more than before. Their rich heritage is a part of me that will always be a part of who I am. I can also appreciate the beginning of the lives of many of our members who were born in Norway and immigrated to our area (Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood) even more. It meant a great deal to many of them who followed my travels, especially when they knew we visited their home towns or traveled through their birthplaces. (“You went right by our family farm when you were on the train to Stavanger.”) Their excitement made me even more excited about my trip.
Now that you’ve been home for a while and had some time to process everything you saw and did in Norway, any final thoughts on the contest, the trip or the experience?
It’s obvious that my trip was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I doubt if I will ever be able to afford a trip like this myself. As a retired school teacher married to a retired state employee, our vacations have been and will probably always be very modest in comparison.
However, I will ALWAYS have my memories of this fabulous trip – where I had the opportunity to fly business class, be met at an airport by a driver holding a sign with my name on it, be driven in a Mercedes or Jaguar “taxi,” receive personalized tours with a private guide, stay in five-star hotels, and eat at some world-famous restaurants. In other words, be treated like “queen for a day” for twelve straight days!!!!
Hiawatha Day -2009
We had another successful Hiawatha Day August 15th and I want to thank all of those who worked so hard to "pull it off." There are so many people involved that I am sure I would miss someone if I tried to mention all of them. Anyway, To all of you THANK YOU, at least in my opinion it was a grand old time. It is great to get together, reminisce, look at pictures and just visit with each other. I have some pictures that were taken that I will post on the Hiawatha Day Reunion page as soon as I get them printed.
UPDATE: Viking Magazine Needs Your Help
I was in an editorial meeting yesterday, discussing some story ideas for the December issue of Viking magazine, and the editors told me that they are in serious need of sources for an article on Norwegian antiques. Apparently they are considering a story on people who collect antique Norwegian items, be it Hadeland glass, porcelain items or hand painted decorations. The editors are especially looking for people who are collectors or who know good places where collectors can find these items.
In an e-mail from the editor, she writes "We’re mostly looking for great finds, stores and markets in Norway. We’d be interested in good dealers and shops in the U.S., too. The story could go a few directions. Most interesting being the idea of an Antiques Roadshow in Norway."
Have you got a story to share? Do you know of a great shop to suggest? If so, I want to hear about it! If not, do you know someone who might be a good source? Tell me about them, too!
I think this could be a very cool article that a lot of our members will enjoy, but in order to make it happen we need folks to come forward before the end of August. If you are a collector, or know someone who is, please e-mail me at or you can call me toll-free at the HQ at 800-945-8851. I know there are a lot of collectors out there, so lets make this happen!
In an e-mail from the editor, she writes "We’re mostly looking for great finds, stores and markets in Norway. We’d be interested in good dealers and shops in the U.S., too. The story could go a few directions. Most interesting being the idea of an Antiques Roadshow in Norway."
Have you got a story to share? Do you know of a great shop to suggest? If so, I want to hear about it! If not, do you know someone who might be a good source? Tell me about them, too!
I think this could be a very cool article that a lot of our members will enjoy, but in order to make it happen we need folks to come forward before the end of August. If you are a collector, or know someone who is, please e-mail me at or you can call me toll-free at the HQ at 800-945-8851. I know there are a lot of collectors out there, so lets make this happen!
Sons of Norway Presents: En To Tre
Yup, you read the title correctly--no need to clean the glasses or do a double-take. Sons of Norway is now the presenting sponsor of En To Tre, the finest dining experience at Norsk Høstfest! This is an awesome new facet to our title sponsorship of Oslo Hall. But what's even better is that Sons of Norway members will get a 15% discount on Authentic Norwegian Buffet meals!
All Sons of Norway members have to do to take advantage of this great deal is go to click here and scroll down to the Sons of Norway logo to get your discounted tickets. It's a great deal and trust me when I say that it's some of the best food you'll find at Norsk Høstfest. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy deep fried food as much as the next guy, but it's a nice change to sit down to a meal of smoked salmon or roast beef with a spiced, aioli remoulade sauce. Sounds good, right?
Just remember that seating is limited, so you'll want to make your reservations ASAP to ensure you get a chance to sample this amazing culinary fare. And if you go, be sure to stop by the Sons of Norway booth in Oslo Hall and say hi!
All Sons of Norway members have to do to take advantage of this great deal is go to click here and scroll down to the Sons of Norway logo to get your discounted tickets. It's a great deal and trust me when I say that it's some of the best food you'll find at Norsk Høstfest. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy deep fried food as much as the next guy, but it's a nice change to sit down to a meal of smoked salmon or roast beef with a spiced, aioli remoulade sauce. Sounds good, right?
Just remember that seating is limited, so you'll want to make your reservations ASAP to ensure you get a chance to sample this amazing culinary fare. And if you go, be sure to stop by the Sons of Norway booth in Oslo Hall and say hi!
Just a little update...
One of these days, I'm planning to do a fun little post about all of our "stomping grounds"-- places we've lived together. Since we're on the cusp of another stomping ground, it seems fitting to do a tribute to the other wonderful homes we've had. But, that will have to be on a day when I have a little more time. For today, I am just doing a little clarification/update.
First of all, yes, Chris did get a job in Idaho Falls. It's a career change, in fact, and we're both very excited about it. His first day is August 31st, which, coincidentally (or not), is also Tom's first day of school.
I've been practicing this sentence: "I'll take care of the dishes if you'll get the kids ready for bed." Since Chris has worked in the evening for more than 9 years, I don't get to say that nearly as often as I'd like. I can't wait!
We're packing up the house now, but it's still for sale. We know that there is someone out there who needs our house, so we're just praying that we can find them soon. It's a little bit stressful, but I'm really trying hard to practice the art of faith. We're moving on the 27th into... my parent's basement! Hooray!
Actually, that's not sarcasm-- I really am excited to move in with my parents. Their house is nice and roomy, especially now that almost everyone has moved out, and we'll be able to live there while we sell our house and save up a bit for something in Idaho Falls. I'm impatient and would like to buy something right away, but we realize that we'll probably be in our next house for a long time, so it's smarter to wait a bit and find the right place for the right price. Luckily, my parents are laid back and patient, two qualities I should probably try to emulate a little more!
I'll find out this week exactly which school Thomas will be attending, but I've already secured a pre-school spot for G-Man. I think I actually knew the girl who runs it in high school, but I'll know that for sure when I take him on the first day. I'm going to have to get used to the high school de ja vu, because I have a feeling it's going to happen a lot. Good times.
We're definitely going to miss Logan-- it really is such a great town. Idaho Falls is also a great town, though, and we feel like this change is a good thing. This isn't a reason to move or anything, but I am SUPER excited about having a Target in town! Whee!
So, that's our story for now. More to come, I'm sure!
First of all, yes, Chris did get a job in Idaho Falls. It's a career change, in fact, and we're both very excited about it. His first day is August 31st, which, coincidentally (or not), is also Tom's first day of school.
I've been practicing this sentence: "I'll take care of the dishes if you'll get the kids ready for bed." Since Chris has worked in the evening for more than 9 years, I don't get to say that nearly as often as I'd like. I can't wait!
We're packing up the house now, but it's still for sale. We know that there is someone out there who needs our house, so we're just praying that we can find them soon. It's a little bit stressful, but I'm really trying hard to practice the art of faith. We're moving on the 27th into... my parent's basement! Hooray!
Actually, that's not sarcasm-- I really am excited to move in with my parents. Their house is nice and roomy, especially now that almost everyone has moved out, and we'll be able to live there while we sell our house and save up a bit for something in Idaho Falls. I'm impatient and would like to buy something right away, but we realize that we'll probably be in our next house for a long time, so it's smarter to wait a bit and find the right place for the right price. Luckily, my parents are laid back and patient, two qualities I should probably try to emulate a little more!
I'll find out this week exactly which school Thomas will be attending, but I've already secured a pre-school spot for G-Man. I think I actually knew the girl who runs it in high school, but I'll know that for sure when I take him on the first day. I'm going to have to get used to the high school de ja vu, because I have a feeling it's going to happen a lot. Good times.
We're definitely going to miss Logan-- it really is such a great town. Idaho Falls is also a great town, though, and we feel like this change is a good thing. This isn't a reason to move or anything, but I am SUPER excited about having a Target in town! Whee!
So, that's our story for now. More to come, I'm sure!
DeArtons Unite!
On Saturday, Chris and I tackled the fun and exciting job of cleaning out our crawl space. I re-packed the box full of old journals, yearbooks, dance pictures--ah, the hilarity!... I think I am actually glad that Chris and I didn't know each other in high school and therefore didn't attend any high school dances together because he had posing issues... I should really do a blog post about that because I guarantee you would be laughing! Anyway, I couldn't help but read some old journal entries and thinking the "little did we know..." thoughts. Would I really have used an entire two-page journal spread writing my name with a certain boy's last name attached if I had only known that eleven years later, my initials would be ECH instead of EC...? And could Chris have imagined, when he wrote about a letter he received from a redhead in Idaho, that someday he'd be wrestling with their three sons? It's kind of fun to think about.
The real subject of my post, though, is not us, but my parents. Little did they know that nearly 31 years after their marriage that they'd be standing in a picture, wearing funny red shirts, and that all of these people would, in some way, belong to them...
That's right, there are 19 people in that shot. Little Brynnie was asleep in a tent nearby, so counting her, there are 20.
Granted, two of them are my grandparents, so not progeny, but still. Pretty impressive, don't you think?
We're big enough now that we need to have our own reunions, and this year was our first! We spent a weekend camping at Cherry Hill in Kaysville and it turned out to be so much fun! Of course, we DeArtons are very good at having fun, so that part certainly wasn't a surprise!
The cousins had a blast together! Here they are in the back of the van, playing with some light necklaces my dad brought back from Disneyland.

Nonny and Bob brought the little girls these adorable headbands from somewhere in South America. I really wanted to steal one for myself, but couldn't really picture anyone taking me seriously. Oh well. Doesn't Dall look stinking adorable?!

My parents were assigned the fun job of a morning devotional on Saturday morning, so they had us write nice things about each other. These guys look like they're concentrating pretty hard.

Most of Gordon's nice things included the word "enthusiastic".

Nearly our entire day on Saturday was spent in Cherry Hill's water park. Since my camera isn't waterproof, I had to make do with some "before" shots. Gotta love goggles!

Thomas did have a fun little event-- he lost another tooth! Little pirate! He was sitting at the table, nonchalantly eating some chips, and I came up to ask the whereabouts of something I can't remember. His reply: "First, I have an announcement," and he held up his tooth.

Our reunion ended on Saturday evening/Sunday morning, and though it was short, we agreed that it was the perfect amount of time to spend. Everyone had fun and everyone left happy and smiling-- not too shabby for 31 years, Mom and Dad! Can't wait for next year!
The real subject of my post, though, is not us, but my parents. Little did they know that nearly 31 years after their marriage that they'd be standing in a picture, wearing funny red shirts, and that all of these people would, in some way, belong to them...
That's right, there are 19 people in that shot. Little Brynnie was asleep in a tent nearby, so counting her, there are 20.
Granted, two of them are my grandparents, so not progeny, but still. Pretty impressive, don't you think?
We're big enough now that we need to have our own reunions, and this year was our first! We spent a weekend camping at Cherry Hill in Kaysville and it turned out to be so much fun! Of course, we DeArtons are very good at having fun, so that part certainly wasn't a surprise!
The cousins had a blast together! Here they are in the back of the van, playing with some light necklaces my dad brought back from Disneyland.
Nonny and Bob brought the little girls these adorable headbands from somewhere in South America. I really wanted to steal one for myself, but couldn't really picture anyone taking me seriously. Oh well. Doesn't Dall look stinking adorable?!
My parents were assigned the fun job of a morning devotional on Saturday morning, so they had us write nice things about each other. These guys look like they're concentrating pretty hard.
Most of Gordon's nice things included the word "enthusiastic".
Nearly our entire day on Saturday was spent in Cherry Hill's water park. Since my camera isn't waterproof, I had to make do with some "before" shots. Gotta love goggles!
Thomas did have a fun little event-- he lost another tooth! Little pirate! He was sitting at the table, nonchalantly eating some chips, and I came up to ask the whereabouts of something I can't remember. His reply: "First, I have an announcement," and he held up his tooth.
Our reunion ended on Saturday evening/Sunday morning, and though it was short, we agreed that it was the perfect amount of time to spend. Everyone had fun and everyone left happy and smiling-- not too shabby for 31 years, Mom and Dad! Can't wait for next year!
Hello, is there anybody in there?
AZU sure has gotten desperate for leadership. I'm pretty sure between the constant attacks on people like Mary Duval, the lies, the constant promotion of raping and killing other people, AZU readership continues to sputter. People are sick of the lies and willing to embrace truth:
So AZU, in their desperation, decided to attempt to generate controversy be pretending to be yours truly, AGAIN, in hopes of rallying the troops. The current post @ the ol' troll's nest contains a conversation that took place while I was out of town.
Quit wasting oxygen Derek and get on with it. You're postings grow tiresome and boring. Cut to the chase, please. Smart Cookie | 08.09.09 - 1:31 am |
If "cookie" was so smart, she'd check the IP locators to see for herself no Cincinnati area IPs entered AZU that day. I guess she's not so smart. I don't even bother anonymizing my visits like they do.
Stitches, since you've figured out who's so "angry", you can file a report for the threats ;)
DodiaFae | Homepage | 08.09.09 - 9:34 am |
"Dodia Fae," who is really just a sock puppet of BRD/ Barb Ireland/SBGL, is not very smart either. You know why StitchCunt won't "report" it like Fae suggested? Because Stitches is doing a little something called IMPERSONATION, which is totally illegal. Considering there is no oversight into how you punch in contact info on Haloscan, AZU's blog comments section, you can anyone from Stitches 77 to the President of the USA. Ever noticed that AZU's posts are typically done late at night? Just an interesting observation. After all, most human beings tend not be up at 2 am at night, and if they are, they're out partying.
I think its both sad and funny that AZU has regressed to this point. Maybe Stitches is seeing ghosts in the machine? So paranoid she sees Derek in everything? Obsessed because she blames Derek for the decay of AZU? Makes me wonder. This song reminds me of ol' StitchyPOO-
So AZU, in their desperation, decided to attempt to generate controversy be pretending to be yours truly, AGAIN, in hopes of rallying the troops. The current post @ the ol' troll's nest contains a conversation that took place while I was out of town.
Quit wasting oxygen Derek and get on with it. You're postings grow tiresome and boring. Cut to the chase, please. Smart Cookie | 08.09.09 - 1:31 am |
If "cookie" was so smart, she'd check the IP locators to see for herself no Cincinnati area IPs entered AZU that day. I guess she's not so smart. I don't even bother anonymizing my visits like they do.
Stitches, since you've figured out who's so "angry", you can file a report for the threats ;)
DodiaFae | Homepage | 08.09.09 - 9:34 am |
"Dodia Fae," who is really just a sock puppet of BRD/ Barb Ireland/SBGL, is not very smart either. You know why StitchCunt won't "report" it like Fae suggested? Because Stitches is doing a little something called IMPERSONATION, which is totally illegal. Considering there is no oversight into how you punch in contact info on Haloscan, AZU's blog comments section, you can anyone from Stitches 77 to the President of the USA. Ever noticed that AZU's posts are typically done late at night? Just an interesting observation. After all, most human beings tend not be up at 2 am at night, and if they are, they're out partying.
I think its both sad and funny that AZU has regressed to this point. Maybe Stitches is seeing ghosts in the machine? So paranoid she sees Derek in everything? Obsessed because she blames Derek for the decay of AZU? Makes me wonder. This song reminds me of ol' StitchyPOO-
Whatever happened to the AZU sponsored Boycotts?
I was just wondering if AZU is still running that idiotic boycotts of Disney/ABC News and I just thought I'd point something out.
Scroll down to page 19, and you'll see Roy Disney of Walt Disney Productions, listed a few places above John Walsh at the NCMEC's National Advisory Board. Does this mean the NCMEC are pedo enablers?
Laura Ahern's book on sale at Amazon. Does this mean Parents For Megan's Law are pedo enablers?
Scroll down to page 19, and you'll see Roy Disney of Walt Disney Productions, listed a few places above John Walsh at the NCMEC's National Advisory Board. Does this mean the NCMEC are pedo enablers?
Laura Ahern's book on sale at Amazon. Does this mean Parents For Megan's Law are pedo enablers?
Sons of Norway Highlighted on
I'm working on an interview with our Norwegian Experience winner, Judy Gray to wrap up our coverage of this year's Norwegian Experience Recruitment Contest. In the meantime our membership coordinator, Nichole, has a post about a cool, new website and the efforts of one of our lodges. is a blog that highlights the many ways Americans serve their country and fellow men, whether by large or small feats. Sons of Norway lodges routinely assist in their community (check the message boards for ideas and success stories), and recognized one of our own lodge’s year-round contributions to Ski for Light.
Edmonds 2-130 has assisted with trail upkeep, guiding blind and mobility-impaired individuals and continuous promotion and fundraising for Ski for Light. You can read the full story here, under the title Sons of Norway Serve.
Congratulations to the Edmonds lodge for some well-deserved recognition! is a blog that highlights the many ways Americans serve their country and fellow men, whether by large or small feats. Sons of Norway lodges routinely assist in their community (check the message boards for ideas and success stories), and recognized one of our own lodge’s year-round contributions to Ski for Light.
Edmonds 2-130 has assisted with trail upkeep, guiding blind and mobility-impaired individuals and continuous promotion and fundraising for Ski for Light. You can read the full story here, under the title Sons of Norway Serve.
Congratulations to the Edmonds lodge for some well-deserved recognition!
Son of notorious vigilante Judy Cornett sentenced to 25 years for attempted murder, drugs
You live by the sword, you die by the sword - apparently Judy Cornett's support of violence and blind hatred rubbed off on her son so much he feels his past as a victim justified his adult life of crime. Rather than truly help victims by promoting healing, Cornett, like her AZU buddies, promotes solving problems by harassing and hurting others. I pray AZU members don't have kids, lest we see more kids of vigilantes in prison.
TAMPA — As a young boy, Jason Edward Flores survived a child's worst nightmare when he was abducted, brutally raped and left for dead. The 11-year-old's road to manhood continued to be anything but smooth. His long history of run-ins with the law, which included drug convictions and prison time for burglary, ended Wednesday as Flores was sentenced to 25 years for two counts of attempted second-degree murder and home invasion robbery. Flores, 28, seemed calm as he pleaded guilty moments before Hillsborough Circuit Judge Robert Foster sentenced him to the mandatory minimum. Earlier in the court proceedings, a different image emerged as Flores tried to place his shackled hands around his mother and cried in her arms. "Sitting next to my son was one of the worst feelings of my life," said Judy Cornett, who called the St. Petersburg Times from a bed at Tampa General Hospital's emergency room. Cornett, 47, collapsed in court as bailiffs escorted her back to her seat. Paramedics were called and carried her out on a stretcher. Since Flores' abduction and rape in 1992, Cornett has dedicated her life to battling sex crimes. She founded Safety Zone Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that teaches kids to protect themselves against sexual predators. She also coaches parents who find themselves in the media spotlight when their children become victims of child predators. Cornett aided Mark Lunsford, when his 9-year-old daughter, Jessica, was abducted and killed in Homosassa in 2005. And she housed and clothed Susan Schorpen during the trial for the man convicted in the 2004 abduction and murder in Sarasota of Schorpen's 11-year-old daughter, Carlie Brucia.
His past is tragic but it does not excuse the following:
Flores was sentenced Wednesday on charges stemming from a home invasion that occurred June 26, 2008. Prosecutors said Flores and two co-defendants — Matthew Edward Wilsky and Kristen Marie Mangum — entered a home in a neighborhood west of Busch Gardens to take prescription drugs. The trio struggled with residents Terry and Lora Holmes. Prosecutors said Flores fired a shotgun into the Holmes' bedroom, striking Lora in the hand and Terry in the side. Both survived, but Lora Holmes is partly paralyzed in her hand, prosecutors said. The three fled to a Pasco County hotel with about $1,000 in cash and pills they had stolen from the Holmeses.
I've said it a million times, it is different when its one of their own on the chopping block. Notice how Cornett justifies and minimizes her son's adult criminal behavior by talking about his childhood. What if I blamed my crime on my childhood, eh? Would you buy it then? What happened in your youth DOES NOT JUSTIFY trying to kill two innocent people!
Cornett said Flores never had proper psychological treatment after his rape and abduction and often self-medicated. "I can't blame 100 percent on it, but I can definitely say it has been a strong contributing factor," she said about her son's rape and lack of proper assistance. As she sat next to Flores in court, Cornett said she promised to be there when he's released. "I told him I was going to continue to fight for him and that he's my baby and I love him," Cornett said. "He said, 'Thank you, Mommy,' and 'I love you.' "
Can you believe the nerve if Cornett? Asking people to send her money for her criminal son? [see]

He certainly learned violent behavior from his mother. Below are a few of Judy's choice comments--
[from and]
TAMPA — As a young boy, Jason Edward Flores survived a child's worst nightmare when he was abducted, brutally raped and left for dead. The 11-year-old's road to manhood continued to be anything but smooth. His long history of run-ins with the law, which included drug convictions and prison time for burglary, ended Wednesday as Flores was sentenced to 25 years for two counts of attempted second-degree murder and home invasion robbery. Flores, 28, seemed calm as he pleaded guilty moments before Hillsborough Circuit Judge Robert Foster sentenced him to the mandatory minimum. Earlier in the court proceedings, a different image emerged as Flores tried to place his shackled hands around his mother and cried in her arms. "Sitting next to my son was one of the worst feelings of my life," said Judy Cornett, who called the St. Petersburg Times from a bed at Tampa General Hospital's emergency room. Cornett, 47, collapsed in court as bailiffs escorted her back to her seat. Paramedics were called and carried her out on a stretcher. Since Flores' abduction and rape in 1992, Cornett has dedicated her life to battling sex crimes. She founded Safety Zone Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that teaches kids to protect themselves against sexual predators. She also coaches parents who find themselves in the media spotlight when their children become victims of child predators. Cornett aided Mark Lunsford, when his 9-year-old daughter, Jessica, was abducted and killed in Homosassa in 2005. And she housed and clothed Susan Schorpen during the trial for the man convicted in the 2004 abduction and murder in Sarasota of Schorpen's 11-year-old daughter, Carlie Brucia.
His past is tragic but it does not excuse the following:
Flores was sentenced Wednesday on charges stemming from a home invasion that occurred June 26, 2008. Prosecutors said Flores and two co-defendants — Matthew Edward Wilsky and Kristen Marie Mangum — entered a home in a neighborhood west of Busch Gardens to take prescription drugs. The trio struggled with residents Terry and Lora Holmes. Prosecutors said Flores fired a shotgun into the Holmes' bedroom, striking Lora in the hand and Terry in the side. Both survived, but Lora Holmes is partly paralyzed in her hand, prosecutors said. The three fled to a Pasco County hotel with about $1,000 in cash and pills they had stolen from the Holmeses.
I've said it a million times, it is different when its one of their own on the chopping block. Notice how Cornett justifies and minimizes her son's adult criminal behavior by talking about his childhood. What if I blamed my crime on my childhood, eh? Would you buy it then? What happened in your youth DOES NOT JUSTIFY trying to kill two innocent people!
Cornett said Flores never had proper psychological treatment after his rape and abduction and often self-medicated. "I can't blame 100 percent on it, but I can definitely say it has been a strong contributing factor," she said about her son's rape and lack of proper assistance. As she sat next to Flores in court, Cornett said she promised to be there when he's released. "I told him I was going to continue to fight for him and that he's my baby and I love him," Cornett said. "He said, 'Thank you, Mommy,' and 'I love you.' "
Can you believe the nerve if Cornett? Asking people to send her money for her criminal son? [see]

He certainly learned violent behavior from his mother. Below are a few of Judy's choice comments--
[from and]

Another example of AZU's lies- part 1,386,868
Like we need another example of AZU lies and propaganda. Over a year ago, an educational organization called SO Clear Media made a video response to a Portland news story on Wikisposure, a site which attacks people they claim are "pedophiles." In reality, Wikisposure is merely a site filled with more lies and propaganda, as well documented at this site. Below is the actual SO Clear video. I want you to pay close attention. SO Clear expresses how Wikisposure targets those groups who ARE NOT pedophiles, but activists calling for sex offender reform, as well as put those in danger by their false light, slanderous, and libellous comments:
Of course, the main point is to illustrate how AZU targets certain people AZU calls "pro-pedo" groups. AZU's retort:
Of course, the main point is to illustrate how AZU targets certain people AZU calls "pro-pedo" groups. AZU's retort:
One thing AZU fails to mention is that SO Clear referred to the attacks on Wikisposure on THEM. Nowhere in the SO Clear Response did SO Clear mentions "Flickorna." ABSOLUTE ZERO mentions "Flickorna." That is called a "lie." AZU fails to mention not only does Wikisposue fail to tell the truth, they put people in danger by claiming they are active pedophiles and publishing their personal info, all the while talking about raping and murdering *ex offenders and "pedophiles."
From --
Hiawatha (Carbon) is a former coal mining town 15 miles (24.14 km) southwest of Price on U-122. The town is located at the base of the Gentry Mountains. Hiawatha was an important Mohawk Indian chieftain in the League of the Iroquois Indians. He also was the hero of Longfellow's famous poem of the same name. Hiawatha's name was given to a prominent Pennsylvania coal mine, then transferred to the Utah coal mine, and from the mine to the local community. Initially a vibrant Greek community from the island of Crete worked in the local coal mines. Hiawatha was incorporated in 1911 and in the 1940's had a population of 1,500. Production began to drop, people moved away, and Hiawatha was disincorporated on November 20, 1992. Today it is a ghost town with only a few families residing there. However, the Hiawatha Coal Company is planning to mine again in the near future.
A noted democratic politician, John Emerson Moss (1915-1997) was born here. He championed the Freedom of Information Act.
G. William Wiersdorf
Hiawatha (Carbon) is a former coal mining town 15 miles (24.14 km) southwest of Price on U-122. The town is located at the base of the Gentry Mountains. Hiawatha was an important Mohawk Indian chieftain in the League of the Iroquois Indians. He also was the hero of Longfellow's famous poem of the same name. Hiawatha's name was given to a prominent Pennsylvania coal mine, then transferred to the Utah coal mine, and from the mine to the local community. Initially a vibrant Greek community from the island of Crete worked in the local coal mines. Hiawatha was incorporated in 1911 and in the 1940's had a population of 1,500. Production began to drop, people moved away, and Hiawatha was disincorporated on November 20, 1992. Today it is a ghost town with only a few families residing there. However, the Hiawatha Coal Company is planning to mine again in the near future.
A noted democratic politician, John Emerson Moss (1915-1997) was born here. He championed the Freedom of Information Act.
G. William Wiersdorf
Jack Stevenson
Jack Stevenson passed away about a week ago. They were on a vacation in the Northwest at the time I will post the details when I receive them.
Hiawatha Breakfast attendees 3 August 2009
Tom Neilsen
Wally Baldwin
Paul Mecham
Tucker Lowe
Bob Wilde
Dean Petrulas
Archie McCarrie
Ken Allred
Cliff Finley
Stephanie Orphanakis-- Stephanie wanted to attend to thank all
the guys for their support when Mike passed away.
Wally Baldwin
Paul Mecham
Tucker Lowe
Bob Wilde
Dean Petrulas
Archie McCarrie
Ken Allred
Cliff Finley
Stephanie Orphanakis-- Stephanie wanted to attend to thank all
the guys for their support when Mike passed away.
More AZU sick twisted thoughts
They promote murder:
They promote rape:

This is AZU's idea of a "healthy" "thriver." This is my idea of criminality.
Special thanks to Voice of Reason for exposing this!
This is AZU's idea of a "healthy" "thriver." This is my idea of criminality.
Special thanks to Voice of Reason for exposing this!
AZU celebrates a death
The sad thing is while they condemn sex offender law reformists for criticizing those who fanatically support legislation that are fueled by revenge rather than reason,
today y they're celebrating the death of someone they claim is a "serial child molester." And with that comes the usual hate-filled drivel. How would they feel if we celebrated the death of Stitches or Tracy Golden or Barb Ireland?

Death is a sad event, no matter who died. They did the same to Michael Jackson, and now to this guy.
AZU's a bunch of sick freaks who are mentally unstable and should be civilly committed.
Death is a sad event, no matter who died. They did the same to Michael Jackson, and now to this guy.
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