I'll get to our 4th in a minute. On the 1st, the boys and I went down to Provo where we met up with my BYU friend, Ashley to hang out with her and her cute son, Jaxon, and take advantage of her sweet photography skills. Ashley showed me one of the many reasons why I will never be a professional photographer: patience. While the kids ran around, whined, ate sticks, and were just general stinkers, and while I sat, sweating profusely in the summer heat, Ashley maintained an absolute cool and just kept clicking. That alone is amazing, but the girl has talent to boot! Check out these fantastic pictures of my kiddos on Ashley's photography blog. LOVE HER!
After the picture visit, we separated so that I could take the boys to Seven Peaks, a water park in Provo. To my utter and grateful surprise, the boys were actually more interested in swimming in Caitlan's apartment pool than going to a water park, so we saved the money and had a blast! College kids really do make the best baby-sitters-- I think they may even have had fun. The boys just loved jumping into that pool!
Caitlan (and friends) graciously watched all three boys so that I could meet back up with Ashley and our other friends, Amy and Laurie, for dinner. It was so fun to catch up with these amazing girls-- women!-- and just enjoy each other's company. It was such a refreshing evening for me and it reminded me that I need to do this more often!
On Friday night, we all went up to Idaho Falls to spend July 4th with my family. I love this holiday-- I just find the whole day so much fun! Chris is not a big fan of the summer, but even he has to admit that Independence Day is great fun.
We started the day off bright and early with the "Firecracker 5K" on the parade route. My time was regrettable, but hey, at least I ran/jogged/walked a 5K, right? :) Plus, I got a tee-shirt. It's a fun tradition that I hope to repeat, and hopefully with a better time next year!
Here are the runners (and walkers): Andrew (Jake's friend), Dad, Mom, Caitlan, Jake & yours truly
After the 5K, some resting and picnic prep work, we went to Freeman Park to set up for the rest of the day. I love being by the river and watching the hoards of people who also gather there. And, without fail, I always run into at least one person from high school.
Thanks to an early afternoon rainstorm, the park wasn't too crowded and we managed to find a pretty sweet spot. We cooked hot dogs and hamburgers, played Power Grid (I won! woo hoo!), lawn games like Bocce and croquet, and just hug out. And, to top it all off, the weather was perfectly mild.
I'm so grateful to live in a country where I have the freedom to make my own choices for me and for my family. I'm so glad that we could honor our country's birth and the people who still protect and defend us today. Happy Independence Day!