It's a numbers post today, my friends!
I was thumbing (digitally) thought my photos and found three sets to blog about today. The first set is from April, when we went to Salt Lake City for the day. Each Spring, as I have mentioned before, Chris likes to attend the "Spring Preview" football game-- it's the last practice before Fall training, and a chance for fans to come and support the team, get autographs, and watch the Utes win no matter what. :)
When I say that Chris is a Ute fan, I sometimes think that people don't realize the extent of his love for his team. Sure, he's like your average sports fan-- he likes to watch the games, cheer for the team, and question the refs. But his fanaticism goes a bit beyond that. Let me point out a few examples:
- About 85% of Chris' wardrobe has a Utah logo on it. And we're not just talking t-shirts, either: the man has socks, pajama pants, even pillow cases.
- Every morning, Chris has a routine that he goes through online, consisting of browsing different local newspaper sports sections, sports websites and blogs, all discussing the Utes. There isn't a whole lot going on in the summer months, which is why I think he starts to get a little antsy this time of year.
- He has a post-it note countdown set up at his desk at work (think Christmas advent calendar)-- as of today, there are 66 days left until college football starts.
Anyway, back to April-- here we are in everyone's favorite color: RED!!

After the game, the fans are invited onto the field to meet and greet the players and coaches. Chris really wanted one autograph-- head coach Kyle Whittingham. We waited in line for a while, then the coach graciously signed the boys' shirts, Neil's little hat, and a ball for Gary. Very exciting!

I think this is what Chris' heaven looks like...

My next set of pictures is from earlier this month when Thomas finished his last day of 2nd grade! WOW!! He had a fantastic year. I really don't know many other children who love school as much as Thomas does.
The funniest thing about this picture of Thomas and his friends is that they're all making the same dopey face. Gotta love 2nd graders!

Tom's great year is due in no small part to his amazing teacher, Mrs. Wallin. He has been very lucky in having such great teachers and Mrs. Wallin is no exception. I was impressed this year by her creativity, persistence, and patience with her budding minds. We'll definitely miss her!

We have a last day of school tradition of going out for something cold and sweet to celebrate. We gave Tom the choice of Aggie Ice Cream, Casper's Ice Cream, or snow cones. And, in typical 2nd grade style, he chose snow cones. So here we are, on the side of a busy street, enjoying syrup-filled crushed ice instead of gourmet ice cream.

Sigh. I don't feel old enough to have a child who will be in 3rd grade!
And yet, here I am. Which leads me to my next set of pictures...

That's right, I had a birthday.
I'm 30. Chris jokingly said that now that we're both in our 30's, we can relate better to each other. Ha ha!
My birthday was actually really fun. Chris took me out to lunch at the Olive Garden, then my mom and sisters took me to the Cheesecake Factory on our way to our Park City shopping weekend. I think I ate about 1000 calories for every year of my life!
I didn't take many pictures in Park City (too busy shopping, I suppose), but I did manage to capture Caitlan in this dashing little number at Coldwater Creek. I like to call it "Sheer Inspiration":