Watch out, you Bowsers and Donkey Kongs! The Mario Brothers are here!
The carnival itself was pretty fun, though very crowded. The boys' costumes were most appreciated by the college students and other parents, people who remember and appreciate classic Nintendo. I'm not biased or anything, but I think my kids had the best costumes there!
There were a bunch of games for the kids and lots of candy for prizes. Thomas also played his recital piece and, as usual, did a great job. He forgot about the "bow at the end" part, so after he played his song, he just sat on the bench. His song was a kind of strange, off-key one (for Halloween, of course), so the audience didn't know for sure if he was finished or had forgotten the next part of the song. After about 30 seconds of complete silence (it seemed like longer), I went up to Thomas and patted his shoulder and quietly asked if something was wrong. He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "No, I'm just finished." I reminded him to bow and we both went back to our seats. I was a little bit embarrassed, but Thomas didn't think anything of it-- funny, huh?
All in all, it was a fun night and a great start to our Halloween festivities!