Can you stand the sweetness of this little boy? Ugh, I just love him!
I think it certainly helps that I feel this way about our little guy, because the past two weeks, my entire world has revolved around him. It isn't that I haven't been able to get anything else done, it's just that everything else I do has to bend to his needs. Luckily, Neil isn't too demanding-- he mostly just whimpers when he is hungry and is content to sit and look around for a while when he is awake. He wakes up a couple of times at night, but goes right back to sleep when he is finished eating, so I have managed to get some decent rest myself. So far, Neil has been a dream.
So, after nearly two weeks, I think we're getting into a fairly normalized routine again. Chris went back to work this week, and although I had imagined that my world would implode without him here at night, we actually did okay. I even did laundry! I know, Super Woman, right? Well, almost. Ha.