HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday sometime this month (I don't know the date for sure) to my dear friend, Becca Renfroe! First of all, if you've ever read The Renfroe Scoop, you will know why I adore Becca. She really is one of the coolest people on earth and I wish I was more like her! Becca and I were friends in high school, though I wish we would have spent more time with her then. She is one of those people who, when I think about my memories of her, I can't help but smile. She is one of the best, truest people I've ever known, and I hope she knows how much I've looked up to her. I love now that our boys could be carbon copies of each other and that we can swap funny stories about them. Our hubbies are also very similar (although hers is more generous with the x chromosomes) and it's been awesome to be in touch with her again! Yay for blogs!
Happy Birthday, Becca! I hope it is/was marvelous!!