After several weeks of wiggling, Thomas finally lost his first tooth last Sunday! The scene was not without a little drama, of course. After a tooth-jarring head-butting incident with Gord, the tiny little tooth was literally hanging by a thread. For those of you who know Tommer well, you know that he is a bit sensitive about a lot of things, pain and
anticipated pain being right at the top of the list. He didn't want anyone to "yank", "pull", "twist", or even "touch" the tooth-- honestly, his whining was about to drive me nuts. When he finally realized that he couldn't eat without chomping down on the offending tooth, he finally agreed to let Chris and me take over. I held him in my lap with one hand over his eyes and the other tightly holding his arms down, while Chris used
one finger to gently remove the tooth. It took less than three seconds and that itsy bitsy little thing was on the tongue of our now smiling kid. Chris described the moment like this:
"Imagine you're reading a book and you notice that an eyelash has fallen onto one of the pages. You take your one finger and remove the eyelash-- that is the same amount of pressure I used to remove Tom's tooth."
There are quite a few more little teeth that will eventually fall out, so hopefully Tom remembers how un-painful the whole experience was and opts to get it over with a little sooner. We're not holding our breath, though! ;)

The tooth fairy that visited our home that night is NOT the same tooth fairy that used to visit me when I was younger. This one is
far more generous. Apparently since the tooth was lost on a Sunday and it was the first tooth and required some bravery, the tooth fairy (Chris) brought not only two
Sacagawea dollars, but also a set of watercolors and a
Butterfinger. I'm guessing that the Butterfinger is supposed to encourage additional tooth loss...