Receiving compliment after compliment on our two cute boys-- particularly on Tom's creative Pac-Man costume
Making declicious homemade chili (Marilyn's recipe + onions) and cinnamon sugar scones
Trick-or-treating around a block lined with mature maple trees, so we could smell the sweet autumn decay and hear the crispy swish of leaves beneath our feet as we walked
Knowing that my sons are still too young to consider that the longer they knock on doors, the more candy they'll get-- instead, they were both satisfied with a walk around one city block and their little buckets only half full
Two sweet boys who were willing to share a piece of candy with their mom
Temperatures in the mid-50's and clear-- perfect fall weather
Attending a great Halloween party full of fun people, darling costumes, and, believe it or not, healthy food! It was a relief after all of the junk!
Halloween games where everyone walks away with a prize!
The boys falling asleep in the car on the way home from the party