Halloween Cookies
Since you are technically not supposed to eat the trick-or-treat candy prior to the 31st, I had to think of another excuse to buy some tasty Halloween candy. I don't know what it is about those candy corn, but this time of year, I just love them.
I bought some of the good stuff and made sugar cookies for the boys and me to decorate. I am not normally a huge fan of sugar cookies, but I used this recipe and they actually turned out quite tasty.
The three of us have distinct cookie-decorating styles:
Gordon: put a lot of frosting and candy on one cookie, eat all of the candy off of that cookie, lick all of the frosting off, and start over, on the same cookie, of course.
Thomas: decorate, eat. decorate, eat. decorate, eat. decorate... "Maybe I'll put this one on the plate."
Elise: "No, no, no... those are for looking at, not eating."

Here is our lovely edible art, which, pretty as it is, eventually did get eaten.

Painting Pumpkins
Last Wednesday, we were supposed to be tromping through a lovely corn maze with Tom's Cub Scout troupe, but it was snowing in Logan. Yes, snowing. Lovely. When our outing was cancelled, Thomas was very upset, so it took some quick thinking on my part to salvage our afternoon. Instead of turning Left toward our house, I took a Right after picking the boys up and headed to Michael's, where we picked out a couple of those foamy pumpkins and some craft paint.
Two foamy pumpkins: $14.00
Craft paint in red, black, white and green: $2.00
Kid-friendly paintbrushes: $1.00
Two kids who forgot all about the corn maze: PRICELESS!!

Although they started out looking very artistic, the thrill of paint soon took over and the pumpkins now look... well, a little scary. But I guess that's the whole point.
The Pumpkin Walk
And finally, tonight the boys and I went to North Logan, where the city hosts their annual "Pumpkin Walk". This year's theme was "Back in the Day..." and all of the displays (all using pumpkins, of course) had to do with some time in the past.

The participants get so creative! My favorite "scene" was the Old West, where they had pumpkins painted like cowboys from old western movies. I tried to get the boys to pose by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but they weren't having any.
So no, Clint, I wasn't feelin' too lucky...

Rather than the pumpkin scenes, the boys actually had the most fun sticking their little heads into these displays. I have about a hundred pictures, but these are the two cutest. May the force be with you.

Halloween Watching, Reading
This is the time of year to pull out our season-specific books and shows. Lately, we've been reading:
And watching:
Our Halloween adventures continue this weekend when we go to TWO Halloween parties! And I'm hoping we'll have some time to carve some real pumpkins as well.
As for me, I just finished my Vampire book, and I plan on buying the sequel to read on the plane to Colorado this weekend. How's that for Halloweeny? Woooohahaha!