Instead, we decided to hang out at Chris's parents house, build a fire, eat tasty wings from The Wing Coop, and watch the game on TV. Much more comfortable, in my opinion! Despite the snow, the Utes still managed to pull off a win-- not that we're really celebrating that much-- the Aggies aren't good at all this year. Poor Aggies.
While Chris was chopping wood (which he loves to do), the little boys tromped around in the slushy snow. As you can see, we weren't really prepared for such wintry weather!

After playing in the chilly outdoors, nothing feels better than warming up by a fire. Gordon is a little bit afraid of fire, so it took him a little while to get used to it. But, I think he finally started to enjoy warming his little buns.

Later that evening, Grammuh and Grampuh took us to Shiver's for some tasty fried goodness. The boys had more fun crawling around on the little train than they did eating, but that wasn't really a surprise. Thomas is really into winking, which is cuter in person than it is on film.

Sunday was Grampuh's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRAMPUH! Chris's birthday is on Thursday this week, so we had a double celebration at the Little America Sunday Brunch. Thomas was really excited about getting the piano player to play "Happy Birthday", and he was more thrilled than either of the birthday boys about the cake and candles. Ah, to be young!

Tom and the Birthday Boy

Later, it was time for presents. We brought some tasty honey and other treats from Logan's own Cox Honeyland, which we enjoyed atop Grammuh's famous waffles (clearly, it's all about eating with us). Chris was spoiled with some new Ute gear, Wallace Stegner's Salt Lake City, and seasons 1&2 of It's Always Sunny. And it's not even his birthday yet!

We had such a fun weekend! Thanks again, Gramm and Gramp! We love you!!
October is going to be a crazy, fun, busy month for us! I'll try very hard to keep the blogs coming-- if you're anything like me, a week between posts puts you into withdrawals!
And one more thing-- Since no one guessed right, and Chris isn't finished yet, I'm extending the blog contest another couple of weeks! Here's a hint: He's yellow, he likes fruit, and Tom will be dressing up like him on Halloween!