Chris had to work, so I took the boys to Idaho for the long weekend. We arrived at my parents' house on Friday evening. My grandparents, Poppa and Sue, and their little beagle, Buddy, were also there for the weekend. We don't get to see Poppa and Sue as often as we'd like, so it was a great time catching up with them.
18 Again, for a night
On Friday night, I put the boys to bed, then had a great time staying up and chatting with my mom and Caitlan. After my mom got tired, Caitlan and I stayed up even later, then went to Denny's at 2AM. Caitlan is fun and we had a good time just being girls-- of course, this is what her life is like all the time! The 2AM crowd at Denny's is a little sketchy, but we did discover some tasty new bbq wings.
Saturday with the kiddos
On Saturday, sweet Sue took Ann-Michelle's and my kids to Toys-R-Us where the kids were allowed to pick out a present of their choice. My children chose gifts that were very indicative of their personalities: Thomas, a remote-controlled little airplane, and Gordon, a 3-foot-tall T-Rex. I need to take a picture of that dinosaur and his owner lugging him around the house.
After shopping, we met at Tautphaus Park for a KFC picnic. We were almost destroyed by the very aggressive bees that reside there and apparently have a thing for fried chicken. At least the kids were cute.
Dallis, Hadley and Gord enjoying the great weather and the mini M&Ms Sue spoiled them with.

Running! I love this picture of Dallerina!

BYU won, but who was watching?
Later on Saturday, the boys and I went over to Jarom and Elena's beautiful home to crash their BYU party. Just kidding, I actually brought my old, tattered BYU sweatshirt, just so I could fit in. Instead of watching the game, however, I had more fun chatting with Becky, Elena and Kaylin, and trying to keep my kids out of trouble.
It mostly worked-- and as you can see, mine aren't the only kids interested in the hose!

Thanks again, Manwarings, for hosting us! We had a great time!
On Saturday evening, we met the Freeds and my parents and grandparents at Leatherby's, a tasty little ice cream shop in Idaho Falls. The sundaes were gigantic and the homemade hot fudge was to die for. Mmm... nothing like ice cream to end a fun day!
kids in the parking lot, eagerly anticipating their treats

Cute kids!

Todd getting ready to inhale his tasty mud pie

Probably not the world's most flattering picture of me, but here we are-- me, Poppa, my mom and Sue, eating our tasty desserts.

Sunday with my Gordy-Roo
On Sunday, Gordon wasn't in the mood to go to nursery and I wasn't in the mood to go to Sunday School (no offense, Dad-- he's the teacher-- oops!), so we ditched church and went to the river where I took about five million pictures of my little squirt. I did manage to get one awesome one, which I plan to do a little photo-shopping to and blow up to an 8X10. Let me know if you want a copy-- I'm thrilled with the way it turned out! (Never mind the graffitti, of course)

Me and the Gordster

BBQ at Kristie's-- and cake for Mom!
On Sunday night, the boys and I went to Pocatello to stay at Kristie and Todd's, mostly so that Thomas could get full access to their Nintendo Wii. I think he played for five hours, which I was willing to overlook since he was so excited about it. He came upstairs to eat and go to the bathroom-- seriously, this kid could be a junkie. Fortunately, the Wii is staying in Pocatello!
On Monday, the family joined us at the Flatland's for a barbeque-- and a surprise mini-party for Mom. Everyone had fun blowing out her candles-- Poppa would re-light them for any kid who wanted to blow them out!

Gord and his great-grandpa-- so cute!

Whew-- it was a fun weekend, but I was ready to come home and unwind. Next time, I'm making Chris take the boys, and I'll stay home and watch football! :)