Gramm also made another birthday cake for Tommer-- this one was chocolate with white frosting-- yummy!

After dinner, we went over to Liberty park. Tom tested out his new Razor scooter (his favorite present from Sunday)-- he is getting really fast on it!

The kids played in the water for quite a hile, while the adults shared snow cones and cotton candy (thanks Grampuh!). Gordon was completely soaked by the time we left, no thanks to this little fountain he discovered.

I think Thomas may love cotton candy even more than he loves birthday cake. We thought he looked pretty cute with this little cotton candy beard. Check out Gramm's blog for Tom's birthday video, where you can check out his crazy cotton candy eating skills.

After Liberty Park, we headed back to Logan and ended the birthday celebrations for this year. Thanks again to Gramm and Gramp for such a fun day!