On Friday night, my sister, Kristie, and her husband, Todd, came to Logan from Pocatello to spend the evening with us. My kids love Kristie and Todd, and so do we (they need to blog!), and we loved having them here. Unfortunately, they had to leave on Saturday morning to get back to Idaho for a wedding. We were glad they could come, though, and, as you can see, Thomas just adores them.

On Saturday afternoon, my parents and sister Allison, and sister Ann-Michelle and her daughters, Dallis, Hadley, and Brynn, came for our family celebration. We started with a yummy lunch, including hot dogs made on Chris's hot dog machine.

After lunch, it was present time. Chris and I requested new school clothes from everyone when they asked what Thomas wanted-- this idea was not one that Thomas would have agreed with. He really got some fantastic-looking stuff, but I'm afraid his mother cares much more about how great he'll look in first grade than he will.
Oh well, he did get some gifts other than clothes-- namely, this great telescope from us!

The present Tom was most excited for on Saturday was this timer from my parents. While Chris and I were in Hawaii, the boys stayed with my mom and dad in Idaho Falls. Thomas has a (very irritating at times) habit of constantly asking how many minutes were left until an event happens. How many minutes until we go out to eat? How many minutes until we get there? How many minutes until Gordon has to take a nap? My smart mother remedied this situation by giving Thomas one of her kitchen timers, which he happily carried around with him for the whole week and checked regularly to make sure that he (and everyone else) was right on schedule. When he got his own timer for his birthday, he could not have been more pleased. Consequently, we have had to be very careful in our estimates of how long certain things actually take-- we're on the clock now!

Isn't this a lovely cake? When asked what kind of cake he wanted, Thomas was very specific: "White cake, white frosting, sprinkles, and twelve cherries."