It's what fun is...
We went to Lagoon with the kids on Saturday at the expense of my company. I am very glad that Harris Research has a Lagoon day because otherwise, I don't think I would go. Lagoon is synonymous with insanity, in my opinion, and I can't imagine why on earth people would pay money willingly to go there. But, the kids had a great time and it was a pretty fun day. More on that tomorrow, along with some pictures.
When they think you aren't watching...
Tonight, Gordon enjoyed a little cup butterscotch pudding (which he asks for, specifically, and I finally figured out what he was saying tonight!) and, not realizing that I was watching, finished eating it and promptly hopped off his stool, toddled over to the cabinet and threw away his empty cup! What a good boy! He is just growing up so fast!
As if I need the reminder...
Thomas, also growing up too quickly, has been quite the little inquisitor lately. A few days ago, he and Chris had a lengthy conversation about death, of all things. Where does this come from? I really have no idea, but I think Chris must have gone into some detail about the cycle of life, how bodies decay over time, etc. Tonight Thomas told me, very matter-of-factly, "Mom, your body is not perfect." Gee, thanks.
New tunes...
For my birthday, my sis-in-law, Heidi, sent me a new CD of Kate Havnevik. I am listening to it right now and I love it! Thanks, Hij!!
And some pics...
Since I can't leave you with two non-pictured posts in a row, here are a few more from Hawaii...