Today, however, we really did have some trauma with our Tommer. I was at work when Chris called to say that he had gone to pick Thomas up from school after Thomas fainted in class. Apparently, he stood up and just fell over like a tree, flat onto his face. The poor little guy had a bloody nose and still has a few little cuts and bruises from the event.

The cuts and bruises weren't serious, but we were concerned about the cause of his fainting spell. Thomas has had some little issues here and there with migraine-like symptoms and "spacing out" in class that made us wonder if there may be something more going on. I took him to the doctor this afternoon and fortunately, he seems to be okay. His balance is good and the doctor couldn't see anything abnormal from his exam. The unfortunate part is that the doctor wanted to run a few tests just to rule out some problems ranging from anemia to epilepsy. Thomas had to endure his blood being drawn at the doctor's office and will be heading back tomorrow morning for an EEG. For this test, we need to wake him up at midnight and keep him awake until we take him to the hospital at 7:30 tomorrow morning. I really don't think there is anything wrong, but I am glad that we are doing this just to be sure.
Our sweet little guy has been such a good sport today and I am grateful that he has handled this little trauma so well.