Almost a week after Christmas, we had the pleasure of hosting my sisters Kristie and Ann-Michelle and their families for a second Christmas/New Years party weekend here in Logan. We had such a fun time with all of the fun people at our house! We didn't really have any regular meals, just two days of constant cooking, eating, playing games, more eating, watching random Simpsons episodes and Youtube videos, and of course, more eating. Actually, Ann-Michelle got a little sick by Monday morning (sorry AM!)
Our first activity was opening all of the presents from each other-- a task Thomas could hardly wait to accomplish. It was kind of a frenzy of unwrapping, but everyone had a great time! I think we all got pretty great stuff!

From the top Left: Thomas anticipates the first of many gifts; Ann-Michelle and Brynnie; Dallis got a cute new pillow; The kids and their gifts; Thomas and his new sweater-- I got all the kids striped Rugby sweaters from
The Children's Place, but I never managed to get a picture with all of them together-- bummer; Dallis and Hadley; Gordon and his cute new shirt; Chris with new ornaments; and Brynn's new sweater! Whew!
I think we must have played about 20+ hours of games over the weekend. We learned a few new faves (Blokus rocks!) and played some old classics as well. Kristie and Todd got Thomas a cute new game, which Kristie kindly played with him. He loves it now and we've played almost every day!
Here is Ann-Michelle's little girl, Brynn, who is the happiest, most docile child I have ever met. You don't even have to try to get her to smile, she just does it. Consequently, I took more pictures of her than I did of my own kids. :)
Kristie and Todd show off one of our many treats-- Piroette cookies posing as New Year's cigars!