Deck the Halls

We had a very fun evening! After work, I took the boys to Michael's to pick out a new Christmas Wreath. We used to have one, but I think it must not have survived our move last year. Since Michael's was having one of their great 50% off sales anyway, what better time to pick out a new one?
The boys were very good while we were at the store. They both "oohed and ahhed" over all of the Christmas stuff-- it was really cute. One funny thing-- while we were waiting in line to check out, I was browsing through a magazine. Shame on me for not paying attention. Gordon managed to grab one of the fancy little candies they have sitting on the counter (Lindt Chocolates, I think) and unwrap and stick it in his mouth. He was being so quiet, I didn't even notice-- until I looked up to find white chocolate dribbling down his chin! I bought the candy, of course, and pulled the cart away so that he wouldn't get any more. Clever little stinker!

So, now that we were really feeling the Holiday Spirit, we came home and put on some Christmas tunes and got out our decorations. Here are some of my favorites:

Marilyn made this adorable little snowman for me over the Thanksgiving weekend. Is he not the cutest thing?!

The Myers family gave us this great house last year and the boys were so excited when I got it out. Each little drawer is numbered and is big enough to hold a little prize for every day until Christmas. Last year Thomas could hardly wait to get up in the morning just to check what his prize was for the day. It will be fun for Gord to participate this year!

And finally, my Santa Clause-- I just love this guy! My mom and I both bought Santas one year after Christmas and he has been one of my favorite decorations ever since.

We also hung up our stockings and got out all of the Christmas books and DVDs. So fun! I love this time of year!